Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sin Masterbation Girl Master-bation-do U Do It-feel Guilty If You Do? Im Jewish And I Had Uncontrolable Lust-till In Jesus ITrusted!

Master-bation-do u do it-feel guilty if you do? Im Jewish and i had uncontrolable lust-till in Jesus iTrusted! - sin masterbation girl

Jesus said, if you feel like adultery committed against God.

Jesus offers a real inner peace and joy when we feel like our God is so important that Jesus is our God. I had real problems, but I let Jesus into my heart to forgive me my sins and help me, and years ago I threw all my stories, but I stopped drinking inner peace and realization ---
Felt about masterbation, I owe that to before, I had a moment where I realized I couldnt even at pretty girl's eyes, without feeling guilty and full of pleasure --- so I tried to read, reach, to search the Bible while you are there, and it made me happy --- I live - do not believe that it is a sin, but greed and lust make a person selfish, and away from the true faith.

Jesus prayed, im sorry for my pleasureother sins, come into my heart and help me to be my friend, amen
Jesus said: "I am the door of your heart and I knock, if you leave me, for you free from sin, and I will be your best friend. Amen Shalom peaceJoy

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