Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fear of Radiation Leads to Potassium Iodide Shortage in the U.S.

Due to the earthquake and tsunami devastation at the nuclear power plant in Japan, there is growing fear that the radiation leaks will manifest itself in the U.S. These fears have led to a shortage of potassium iodide in parts of the United States. Potassium Iodide may be able to help shield and protect the thyroid gland from radiation poisoning.

Potassium Iodide Shortage and Radiation Fears    

The U.S. government is saying that is there is no need to stockpile and take the potassium iodide to protect against radiation poisoning. The news reports go on to say that with the radiation leaks thus far, that there is very little chance of it reaching the U.S., and if it did the dilution factor would make it not a serious issue.

It has also been reported that the atomic radiation plumes do not pose any serious threats to the Western U.S. coastline and cities.

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