Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to Treat a Wasp Sting

Stings from bees and wasps are never a pleasant experience. Learn how to treat a wasp sting should you or someone in your family become bitten or stung. Quick treatment of the sting or bite area will help it from becoming more irritated. Most times you should be able to treat the affected area and keep on with your activities. If you are allergic to bee and wasp stings, call your doctor or healthcare provider immediately.

How to Treat a Wasp or Bee Sting
There are more than 25,000 different species of wasps around the world. If your activities keep you in close proximity to more bees or wasps, it may be a good idea to put on some protective clothing to minimize the risk of being stung again.


1. You will need to pull out the stinger if it is still lodged in to your skin.
2. Wash and clean the bite area.
3. Placing ice on the bite area may help with any swelling
4. Use peroxide and antibiotic cream to the area to minimize any infection
5. If you experience any rashes, hives, allergic reactions or breathing problems call your doctor immediately.

You may also need to contact your healthcare provider if you also feel intense pain that will not go away.

• Bee and wasp sting causes, symptoms and treatment    

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