Juice Detox - Does It Work?
In terms of a juice detox, various fruits have been used, such as lemon, citrus, oranges, watermelon, berries and other fresh fruits and vegetables. I guess it makes sense to eat a natural and balanced diet of fruits and vegetables in balance with other types of fresh foods to help the body maximize it's natural defense systems. See, there are organs in the body that work to naturally rid the body of unwanted toxins. So, what is detox, anyway? The best way to approach that question, really, is to see your healthcare provider for guidance on what would be best for your body's system. All to often, people will believe in shortcuts, when most of the time, it is not that simple. Some juice detox plans and systems may help people feel better, but science has not really proven that all of the juice detoxification diets do anything significant in detoxifying the body or cleansing toxins.
There are many different natural supplements that are on the market and tout their abilities to help cleanse the body. Do they work or help? No one really knows for sure. There are many touted options provided by advocates of this technique of body cleansing and detox diets may help and may not. More troubling, is that when some of these detoxfication plans are administered without a trained health professional overseeing the process, it can cause complications.
Keep in mind that no one should enter into any type of detox program without first consulting with their healthcare provider.
Also see:
• Food with antioxidants
• www.webmd.com/diet/features/detox-diets-juice-up-your-health